Waste Management
Event organisers are responsible for ensuring waste management arrangements are in place. This includes the clearing up of any refuse blown or strewn around the site, as well as refuse generated throughout the day. Please ensure all waste is recycled appropriately wherever possible.
Litter Collection
The council is unable to provide this service for free. If you would like us to quote for a litter pick for your event please email RecyclingandWaste@hastings.gov.uk.
Waste Collection
You will need to arrange for a commercial waste collection.
Fly Posting
Event Promoters should be aware that Hastings Borough Council will prosecute for all fly posting including affixing notices to street furniture.
Arrangements must also be made for the removal of waste from the event site once the event has closed.
Single use plastics
The council is committed to a number of initiatives to help tackle climate change, and has set a target for Hastings to become carbon neutral.
All event organisers should ensure that single use plastics are avoided at festivals and events held on council land.
Therefore please take whatever action is necessary to ensure that single use plastics are not used at your event and you use sustainable resources.
Site logistics and facilities