Adequate provision should be made for the number of people expected to attend the event.
It is best to use toilets that are connected to the mains services, but temporary units may have to be provided if this is not possible.
Consideration should be given to location, access, construction, and type of facilities. This should include the provision for hand washing, adequate lighting and signage.All sanitary accommodation should be serviced regularly during the event to keep it clean, hygienic and fully operational.
Particular attention should be given to accommodating the needs of disabled people. For more details please refer to The Event Safety Guide - A Guide to Health, Safety and Welfare at Music and Similar Events.
Please note that the number of toilets should be based on the nature of the event and expected attendees.
Specific toilet numbers for outdoor events For events with a gate opening time of 6 hours or more with Alcohol and/or Food For events with a gate opening time of 6 hours or more with little or no Alcohol and/or Food served For events with a gate opening time of less than 6 hours duration Female Male Female Male Female Male 1 toilet per 75 females
1 disabled access per 40 Mixed use1 toilet per 400 males
+ 1 urinal per 100 males1 toilet per 85 females
1 disabled access per 45 Mixed use1 toilet per 425 males
+ 1 urinal per 125 males1 toilet per 100 females
1 disabled access per 50 Mixed use1 toilet per 500 males
+ 1 urinal per 150 males -
Site logistics and facilities