How do I register a Tattooing or Skin Piercing business?
In order to carry out acupuncture, electrolysis, tattooing or ear piercing you and your premises need a licence to operate within the Hastings Borough.
The legislation for controlling this activity is the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982. Hastings Borough Council has adopted Byelaws for the purpose of securing:
- The cleanliness of the premises Registered including its fittings
- The cleanliness of the person Registered
- The cleaning and where appropriate the sterilisation of instruments, materials and equipment to prevent the transmission of disease
Tattoo and skin piercing guidance
The Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) toolkit gives practical advice including prevention of cross contamination, audit tool and aftercare advice.
This guidance toolkit has been prepared by a panel of health protection and practitioner representatives. It comprises a consensus of expert advice which it is intended will provide an authoritative source of information.
It is intended to be of assistance to practitioners and businesses undertaking these activities to support them in adopting acceptable standards of practice. The use of this guidance toolkit will help to ensure the health and safety of both clients and operators and that tattooing and skin piercing practitioners will be operating in compliance with legal requirements.
Application Forms: these forms are in .pdf
- Application for Registration of Person - Acupuncture (Acupuncture only)
- Application for Registration of Person - other (Cosmetic piercing / Electrolysis / Tattooing / Skin Colouring)
- Application for Registration of Premises
Byelaws and Guidelines:
Our Environmental Health fees and charges page has the fees for all skin piercing registrations.
Tattoos and piercings
- Food Poisoning - advise us of an incident
- Food Hygiene - business premises complaint
- Make a noise complaint
Contact us if you have a question about environmental health.
01424 451078
The content on this page is the responsibility of our Environmental Health team.