Japanese Knotweed in my garden
What is Japanese Knotweed?
Japanese Knotweed is an invasive non-native plant which can grow through tarmac and cause structural damage to property. Large parts of the UK are affected by Japanese Knotweed growth.
For more information on invasive plants see guidance by the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA).
What to do if I have Japanese Knotweed on my land?
Japanese Knotweed is not always easy to identify therefore if you suspect you have some growing on your land we would strongly recommend that a specialist is contacted to formally identify the plant.
Specialist companies can also offer advice on some of the control methods available including burning, burying and chemical treatments.
Please Note: The council does not provide specialist advice or services for the removal of Japanese Knotweed.
See DEFRA's guidance for more details on methods of treating and controlling the spread of Japanese Knotweed.
Is it against the law to have Japanese Knotweed on my land?
It is not illegal for Japanese Knotweed to be growing on your land however, it would be an offence to either plant or otherwise cause the plant to grow in the wild.
From experience, where these species have been identified, either growing in a premises or having spread from an adjoining property, that the best solution is to discuss the issue with your neighbour and then co-ordinate control efforts. In simple terms this would require the property owners (or their agents) in the sharing of costs or with labour activities.
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