Manage your council tax account online
Residents can now use a new and improved council tax service to manage their council tax accounts through My Hastings.
Log in to your My Hastings account (or set one up), and register through the 'My Accounts - New' tab and you will be able to:
- check your bills and payments;
- set up or change a direct debit;
- tell us about any changes to your personal details;
- apply for a discount, or tell us if you are no longer eligible for one;
- check the council tax banding charges for any property in Hastings and St Leonards.
The system may go offline for maintenance from time to time. A notice advising of the system downtime will be published on the site when this occurs.
Please note if you are moving and updating your address using this new service, this will not be updated across other council services. You will need to update other services, such as garden waste and the details on the electoral roll, yourself. You can update your garden waste address through My Hastings and update your details on the electoral roll.
Our council tax privacy notice explains why the system asks for your personal information and what it will be used for.
Manage your council tax account online
Contact us if you have a question about council tax.
The content on this page is the responsibility of our Revenues team.