Beach huts FAQs
The council is moving services online so it is much quicker and easy to access at a time that suits you. Online services use less resources so it also means we can also focus our limited resources on the people that need the most help.
We do not offer the option of payment by instalments.
Invoices for annual licence fee will be sent to licensees in December - account balances must be settled in full by January 1st.
You will need to end your licence and let us know the transfer of ownership date by completing the ‘end your hut licence’ online form on your hut account on My Hastings.
There are three different types:
- Short term seasonal hire beach huts available for weekly hire from March to September
- Long term hire of a council managed hut
- Privately owned beach hut or boat site
For further information on sites please look at our beach hut information.
Availability will be listed on the main page when openings become available.
We are not involved in the sale of private beach huts or boat sites, please check local estate agents listings for availability.
All waiting lists are currently closed as they are full. We do not know when these will open.
All huts, chalets and boat sites require a licence from the council. All licensees are required to pay an annual ground rent for use of their site. This varies from site to site with privately owned huts paying lower rents than council leased huts. You will be informed of the full amount to pay when you are issued your licence.
Unfortunately, there are no discounts available. The cost is the same for all huts within the same fee band.
Any items stored are left at the licensees risk; the council accepts no responsibility for any damage or loss.
No items may be stored outside. If there are items left outside they will be removed and the costs for doing so will be passed to the licensee. For boat sites, only the equipment listed on the licence is permitted such as boats and winches.
No dogs are allowed within beach huts or on the surrounding land, with the exception of privately owned beach huts. Dogs in privately owned beach huts must be well behaved and not cause a nuisance to other users.
There are two designated bathing waters – Pelham beach and Marina beach. Bathing is only encouraged at these beaches where the water quality is monitored and a seasonal lifeguard service operates. People who swim elsewhere must consider their own health and safety. Safety signage near to the beach will tell you the risks for that area.
Hut licensees can report issues via their My Hastings account under the My Hut area.
No, in order to prevent misuse and help security of sites extra keys cannot be provided.
We may be able to give you a replacement but there will be a deposit to pay.
There is no dedicated parking or parking permit system for beach huts, chalets or boat sites. Licensees at West of Haven and Bulverhythe East can take their car onto site and park close to their hut but the footpaths must not be blocked.
There are no dedicated toilets for beach hut users but there are public toilets available. See www.hastings.gov.uk/visiting/public-toilets/ for locations and opening times.
You should contact Sussex Police on 101 for non-emergency, or call 999 if there is an emergency.
Businesses and other occupiers of non-domestic properties pay Business Rates to directly contribute towards the costs of local authority services. Council Tax is payable for domestic property, and Business Rates are payable for just about everything else - from offices and shops to beach huts and advertising hoardings.
If your beach hut or chalet is your only non-domestic property, you will currently be entitled to a 100% discount off the full liability - see Relief and Reductions page for details.
Beach huts and chalets
Contact us if you have a question about coastline and beaches.
The content on this page is the responsibility of our Resort Services team.