1066 Cycle Club2
A friendly group who cycle for pleasure in the 1066 region. They have over 50 members, men and women aged from 30s to 60s, with a range of cycling preferences and fitness levels. They ride throughout the year, and in the summer months have two rides per week plus mid-week evening rides. Rides vary in location, style, pace and length, and can all be found on their website. In addition to riding they have other social events too.
See more of our Activity listings
The Active Hastings activity listings include activities organised by external individuals and agencies. While every effort has been made to ensure the quality of these sessions, Hastings Borough Council cannot accept any liability for activities carried out during these sessions.
Whilst every care has been taken to ensure factual accuracy of this events listings, we have to rely upon the information supplied, and cannot accept liability for any error or inaccuracy. Please contact the organiser directly.
Safeguarding: The information provided by the external clubs/organisations does not include any safeguarding policies or procedures. When being active, it’s important to feel safe and confident that your welfare is paramount. Equip yourself with knowledge about safeguarding in sport and physical activity by checking out the information provided by Active Sussex. For a quick guide on information you should ask for when attending a new club, check out the Child Protection in Sport Unit’s five questions parents should ask sports clubs.
Active Hastings activity listings