FOI request (FOIR-601833688)
Cots and temporary accommodation
Requested Tue 02 April 2024
Responded Fri 26 April 20241. How many individuals were pregnant on the date they were placed in temporary accommodation between 1st January 2023 and 31st December 2023?
2. Please provide a breakdown by ethnicity of the number of pregnant individuals identified in question one.
3. How many children were 0-1 years old when they were placed in temporary accommodation between 1 January 2023 and 31st December 2023?
4. How many children were 1-2 years old when they were placed in temporary accommodation between 1 January 2023 and 31st December 2023?
5. Do you provide cots to households in temporary accommodation?
6. If yes to question five, are cots for households in temporary accommodation funded from VCSFE, commissioned housing providers, or the local authority?
7. Do you provide written or verbal safer sleep advice to families with children under the age of 2 moving into temporary accommodation?
8. Do you currently have any local policy on the space that must be provided in temporary accommodation to a family with a child under 2 who will need space for a cot?
9. If yes to question eight, please provide the relevant information.
10. Do you currently have any local policy concerning the specific needs of families with neurodiverse children living in temporary accommodation?
11. If yes to question ten, please provide the relevant information.
1. 19
2. We only record ethnicity for the main applicant, of which:
9x White: English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British
2x Mixed/Multiple ethnic groups: White and Black Caribbean
1x Any other White background
4x Don't know/applicant refused to provide
3. 32
4. 31
5. Yes, all providers who have temporary accommodation suitable for families provide cots/travel cots.
6. Temporary Accommodation providers will provide cots/travel cots when needed.
7. No, however all temporary accommodation providers have guidance produced by The Lullaby Trust and Shared Health Foundation for households on safer sleeping for babies, as suggested by DHLUC:
8. There is no local policy.
9. Not applicable
10. No
11. Not applicable
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