FOI request (FOIR-584698569)
Council use of enforcement agencies for debt-collecting
Requested Wed 07 February 2024
Responded Fri 12 April 2024I would please like to request the following information:
1) In the financial years 21/22, 22/23 and 23/24 (Up to 07.02.24), could you please provide me with the total monetary value of council-related debts (such as council tax, parking fines, failures to pay business rates and housing arrears) which were referred to external enforcement agencies?
2) Of this figure, please could you provide the amount that was recovered by external debt agencies broken down for each of the financial years referenced?
3) For each of those financial years, please provide the number of complaints the council has received about the conduct of external bailiffs and debt collectors.
Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding.
The following figures are for Council Tax & Non-Domestic Rate collection:
Council Tax
2021/22 - £4,930,345.67 of which £1,484,068.08 remained with them
2022/23 - £3,561,824.37 of which £1,000,540.91 remained with them
2023/24 - £3,728,682.11 of which £358,393.91 remained with them
Non-Domestic Rates
2021/22 - £1,944,935.29 of which £586,302.31 remained with them
2022/23 - £857,477.45 of which £270,348.92 remained with them
2023/24 - £200,026 of which £154,722.68 remained with them
2) Council Tax
2021/22 – Of the amount remaining with them - £829,877.03 collected
2022/23 – Of the amount remaining with them - £654,408.17 collected
2023/24 – Of the amount remaining with them - £223,090.79 collected
Non-Domestic Rates
2021/22 – Of the amount remaining with them - £312,830.54 collected
2022/23 – Of the amount remaining with them - £226,976.61 collected
2023/24 – Of the amount remaining with them - £81,380.61 collected
3) None
The following figures are for Parking Services off street parking (car parks) only. On-street parking is enforced by East Sussex County Council, please visit their website for further information: www.eastsussex.gov.uk
1) Debt value sent to Enforcement Agent.
2021/22 - £41,649.00
2022/23 - £30,666.00
2023/24 - £51,000.00
2) Debt value recovered by Enforcement Agent.
2021/22 - £8,034.50
2022/23 - £11,382.01
2023/24 - £12,467.11
3) None.
Freedom of Information
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