FOI request (FOIR-578099510)
Household Waste Bins
Requested Wed 17 January 2024
Responded Fri 19 January 2024In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the following information.
1. What percentage of household waste bins were collected on time in 2022-23?
2. How many household waste bins were collected late in 2022-23?
3. How many different types of household waste bins (for example, plastic recycling, general waste, paper recycling, garden waste) are collected by the council?
1. Information not held. Hastings Borough Council is unable to quantify the total properties that were collected a day late due to access, delays tipping, and so on, against the quantity of collections. However, Hastings has a total of approximately 295,000 collections a month, with an average of 68 missed collections per month between 2022-2023.
2. Information not held. Hastings Borough Council is unable to quantify the total properties that were collected a day late due to access, delays tipping, and so on, against the quantity of collections. However, Hastings has a total of approximately 295,000 collections a month, with an average of 68 missed collections per month between 2022-2023.
3. 3 wheeled bins: refuse, recycling and garden waste.
Freedom of Information
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