FOI request (FOIR-573842095)
Climate Emergency Declaration
Requested Wed 03 January 2024
Responded Wed 07 February 2024I would like to request the following information:
1. Do you have a full-time officer solely dedicated to managing your declared climate and/or nature emergency? Yes/No
2. Does your policy/strategy specify that some or all planning applications that could affect trees must include a tree canopy cover assessment as supporting information? Yes/No
3. Do you have a professional tree officer dedicated to advise on planning applications that could affect existing trees? Yes/No
4. Do you have standard planning conditions that specifically require that the supply, planting, and maintenance of new trees must be complaint with BS 8545 (2014) 'Trees: from nursery to independence in the landscape - Recommendations'? Yes/No
The Freedom of Information Act is based on recorded information held by a local authority, it is not a tool to ask questions.
Your request is simply asking questions and therefore falls outside the remit of the Act.
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