FOI request (FOIR-569585764)
WhatsApp policy/procedure
Requested Fri 15 December 2023
Responded Tue 09 January 2024I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information.
1. Do you have a policy/procedure that covers the use of WhatsApp within the Council? This can be either as a standalone policy/procedure or as part of a larger policy/procedure. If yes please could you provide the most recent copy?
2. If you do not have any policy/procedures please could you let me know if you allow the use of WhatsApp on Corporate devices?
3. If you have answered no to the above and yes to answer 2 please let me know if you have any plans on introducing a policy/procedure to cover the use?
1. No
2. No
3. Not applicable
Freedom of Information
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