FOI request (FOIR-555372580)
Debt Collection
Requested Wed 18 October 2023
Responded Thu 16 November 2023I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information:
1. Which enforcement agent or agents does your council employ for matters involving council debts?
2. How many court summons have your council issued in the following years: so far in 2023/24; 2022/23; 2021/22; 2020/21; 2019/20; 2018/19?
3. How many times have enforcement agents visited the homes of constituents on behalf of the council for the purpose of debt collection for the following years: so far in 2023/24; 2022/23; 2021/22; 2020/21; 2019/20; 2018/19?
4. For those who have been visited please provide an anonymised breakdown of demographics in the categories of household income and race of occupants.
5. Has the council carried out any quality impact assessments on debt collection services? If so, would I be able to request access to this document?
6. How many complaints have been made to your council due to actions taken by enforcement agents in the following years: so far in 2023/24; 2022/23; 2021/22; 2020/21; 2019/20; 2018/19?
The following information is in relation to Council Tax only.
1. Marston Holdings
2023/24 - 3,835 (so far)
2022/23 - 4,834
2021/22 - 6,999
2020/21 - 751
2019/20 - 3,864
2018/19 - 3,280
2023/24 - 1,180 (so far)
2022/23 - 2,691
2021/22 - 3,346
2020/21 - 643
2019/20 - 2,749
2018/19 - 2,326
The above information cannot be split by what has been sent relating to that specific financial year as some accounts will have multiple years debts relating to the one Liability Order, the information is relating to the number of referrals within that financial year.
4. Information not held.
5. No.
6. Information not held. Complaints could have come via various avenues - telephone, with general correspondence, or as a Stage 1 or 2 complaint. Complaints due to actions taken by enforcement agents would usually be referred to our Enforcement Agency for their response.
The following information is in relation to Parking Services only
The system archives closed cases older than 3 years.
1. Equita
01/04/2021 to 31/03/2022 - 202 Order for Recovery issued.
01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 - 535 Order for Recovery issued.
01/04/2022 to 14/11/2023 - 442 Order for Recovery issued.
01/04/2021 to 31/03/2022 - 478 warrants issued and cases referred to Enforcement Agency.
01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 - 354 warrants issued and cases referred to Enforcement Agency.
01/04/2023 to 14/11/2023 - 539 warrants issued and cases referred to Enforcement Agency.
4. Information not held.
5. Information not held.
6. 2021/22, 2022/23, 2023/24 - No complaints recorded.
Freedom of Information
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