FOI request (FOIR-547832846)
UK Shared Prosperity Fund 22-23
Requested Mon 18 September 2023
Responded Wed 11 October 2023Following your awarding of £1,000,000 from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF), please can you detail how much of this funding has been allocated to the 'Communities and Place' investment strand over the entire funding period?
In addition, of the £90,022 of UKSPF funding allocated to be spent in 2022/2023, could you please confirm how much of this has been allocated to projects in the 'Communities and Place' investment strand and provide as much detail as to the reporting criteria as set out below:
a. Name of Project
b. Project Description (a brief description of the project)
c. Budget for this Project (both total UKSPF budget and amount spent in 2022/2023)
d· New or pre-UKSPF Project (is this a continuation of an existing project with UKSPF funding, or a new project?)
e. The main UKSPF intervention (E1, E2, and so on) the project has been set up to support (primary intervention, based on spend)
f. Location (Project Postcode or Project Delivery Postcode if applicable. Local Authority Areas that will benefit)
g. Delivery Lead (name of the organisation delivering the project)
h. Type of Organisation delivering project (for example, VSO, Private Sector, and so on)
i. Status (that is, Planned, Live, Finished (completed), Closed (stopped early))
j. Reason for closure (if the project has closed early rather than being successfully completed)
Total allocated to projects in the communities and place investment strand: £20,165.
Community Sport and Health Engagement - Active Hastings
Delivery: 2022 - 2024
Funding: UKSPF £5,807.70 for 2022-23
Active Hastings has recruited a part-time Physical Activity Development Officer for Broomgrove to deliver physical activity opportunities within Broomgrove. They will host consultation events, 8x physical activity sessions per week, creche staff for 1x session a week and 4x adult weight management programmes per year. A new project though some of the activities have run in the area before.
Primary intervention: E12
Location: TN34 3PX
Hastings Delivery lead: Active Hastings Hastings Borough Council local authority
Hastings Adventure Playground - In2Play CIC
Delivery: 2022 - 2024
Funding: UKSPF £14,358
The funding is being used to enhance the range of activities that the playground can offer by improving surfacing, planting trees, and updating the play space. The playground will run additional family and youth events encouraging more involvement in local developments through play. New project.
Primary intervention: E12
Location: TN34 3PX
Delivery lead: In2Play CIC
Freedom of Information
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