FOI request (FOIR-545893453)
Parking Fines
Requested Sun 10 September 2023
Responded Thu 21 September 2023I was wondering if it is possible to receive the following information:
The number of parking fines, the cost of each fine and the outcome of each fine (that is, paid, cancelled, unpaid, and so on) for 2023, 2022, 2021 and 2020.
The system archives closed cases older than 3 years.
Hastings Borough Council is responsible for Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) issued for off-street (car parks) only.
East Sussex County Council enforces on-street parking:
The following are minus spoils, voids, test tickets and warning notices.
The information below is current as at 19/09/23. Penalties are either £50 or £70. A discount of 50% applies if paid within 14 days.
PCNS issued 01/04/20 to 31/03/21 = 2915 - We are unable to provide further information on the cases for the whole year as the system has archived closed cases that are older than 3 years.
PCNs issued 01/04/21 to 31/03/22 = 3875 - 2984 paid, 741 cancelled, 150 unpaid
PCNs issued 01/04/22 to 31/03/23 = 4487 - 3299 paid, 696 cancelled, 492 unpaid
PCNs issued 01/04/23 to 19/09/23 = 2524 - 1686 paid, 195 cancelled, 643 unpaid (Note: part year)
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