
The system archives closed cases older than 3 years.

Hastings Borough Council is responsible for Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) issued for off-street (car parks) only.

East Sussex County Council enforces on-street parking:

The following are minus spoils, voids, test tickets and warning notices.

The information below is current as at 19/09/23. Penalties are either £50 or £70. A discount of 50% applies if paid within 14 days.

PCNS issued 01/04/20 to 31/03/21 = 2915 - We are unable to provide further information on the cases for the whole year as the system has archived closed cases that are older than 3 years.

PCNs issued 01/04/21 to 31/03/22 = 3875 - 2984 paid, 741 cancelled, 150 unpaid

PCNs issued 01/04/22 to 31/03/23 = 4487 - 3299 paid, 696 cancelled, 492 unpaid

PCNs issued 01/04/23 to 19/09/23 = 2524 - 1686 paid, 195 cancelled, 643 unpaid (Note: part year)

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