FOI request (FOIR-526031210)
Requested Thu 22 June 2023
Responded Thu 29 June 2023Please focus on Section A and B and then if possible Section C. However, if section C would require an extensive search in a number of locations or exceed the cost limit for FOI then please only complete Sections A and B.
Section A
1. How many allotment sites are there in your area and what are the total number of plots?<
2. How many of those allotment sites do you have access to waiting list data for and what is the total number of plots on these sites?
3. What is the total number of people on waiting lists for the sites you have data for?
4. Are any of these waiting lists closed to further applications? And if so, how long have they been closed and what was the total number of people on the list at the point of closure.
5. When applying for an allotment what information is required (for example, name, email, address, and so on) and how are applicants selected?
Section B
1. What is the total number of new tenancies signed for each full year (January to January) since 2012?
2. In addition, for each of the 10 individuals most recently awarded a plot (at the time of this FoI), please state the date at which there was first contact with the council (that is, submitting an application) and the date at which they received their plot.
Section C
1. In the last ten full years (since 2012 - January to January) if possible, have any groups of residents made a representation in writing under Section 23(2) of the Small Holdings and Allotments Act 1908 concerning the duty of Councils to provide allotments?
2. If so, how many requests have you received?
3. And how many have been successful?
Section A
1. There are 15 allotment sites in the borough. 13 are council managed, 1 is private and 1 is self managed by their Association.
2. Access to 13 sites. The total number of plots of the sites that we manage is 521.
3. 542
4. No sites closed.
5. Name, address, telephone and email address. Applicants are added to the specific site waiting list that they request. When a plot becomes available, the applicant at the top of the site waiting list is contacted.
Section B
2012 - 17
2013 - 22
2014 - 21
2015 - 22
2016 - 36
2017 - 49
2018 - 43
2019 - 45
2020 - 44
2021 - 43
2022 - 86
2023 - 71
1. Date of Application 12/05/20, Date of Tenancy 12/04/23
2. Date of Application 03/12/21, Date of Tenancy 15/03/23
3. Date of Application 09/05/20, Date of Tenancy 26/04/23
4. Date of Application 16/05/23, Date of Tenancy 11/04/23
5. Date of Application 09/07/22, Date of Tenancy 17/05/23
6. Date of Application 22/12/21, Date of Tenancy 04/04/23
7. Date of Application 28/03/21, Date of Tenancy 23/06/23
8. Date of Application 22/04/22, Date of Tenancy 21/06/23
9. Date of Application 18/01/19, Date of Tenancy 22/03/23
10. Date of Application 29/04/20, Date of Tenancy 27/04/23
Section C
No information held
Freedom of Information
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