FOI request (FOIR-524030586)
Procurement policies and thresholds
Requested Wed 14 June 2023
Responded Fri 30 June 2023Please can you provide information on the authority's procurement policies and thresholds as relevant to software licensing? In particular:
1. Below what value threshold software licences can be purchased without requiring a competitive tendering process (in £, specifying whether this includes or excludes VAT), and whether this limit applies annually, per individual transaction, and so on.
2. Up to what value threshold (in £, specifying whether this includes or excludes VAT), single tender actions/direct awards can be considered.
3. What the policy or process is for deciding whether to use a single tender action/direct award.
4. Whether there is any requirement for software providers to the authority to be members of any procurement frameworks (for example, GCloud).
If these questions can be most easily answered by sharing the authority's overall procurement policy, please feel free to do so.
Please see attached document.
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