FOI request (FOIR-519185945)
Requested Fri 26 May 2023
Responded Fri 30 June 2023This is a request for information on local authority trading companies/arms-length organisations (LATCs/ALMOs) under the Freedom of Information Act.
1. Please could you list any local authority trading companies and/or arms-length organisations owned (partly or wholly) by the council?
2. Name the principal activity of each entity.
3. Do they employ staff? If so, what is the headcount?
4. Do you wholly or partly own them? If you jointly own the entity, please list the other owners.
5. What year were they founded?
6. How many staff were TUPEd over on setting up the company?
7. If you hold the information, please could you supply the pay grading structure for the companies? Do the LATCs/ALMOs participate in the local government pension scheme? If you do not hold this information, please could you pass on the relevant FOI email addresses for the companies so that they can be contacted directly?
1. Hastings Housing Company Limited
2. The principal activity of the company is that of holding property on behalf of Hastings Borough Council for investment purposes.
3. No staff employed.
4. 100% owned by Hastings Borough Council.
5. Incorporated on 1st September 2017.
6. No staff.
7. Not applicable.
Freedom of Information
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