FOI request (FOIR-518017530)
Open Spaces
Requested Mon 22 May 2023
Responded Thu 22 June 2023I would be grateful if you could provide me with the following information on all known cases whereby the Developer has yet to fulfil their obligation of paying a commuted sum and transferring the Open Spaces to the Council.
1. Site names/address of all unadopted areas of public open space within the Council's jurisdiction
2. Name of developer associated with the corresponding site
3. Date of the Section 106 Agreement to which the open space applies
4. The agreed commuted sum value to be paid by the developer
5. Planning application reference(s)
Please refer to Table D of the latest Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS) (2021-2022) which confirms the information requested.
Go to:
View the S106 details via the public access facility on the website using the 'planning search tool' available here:
Insert the application number shown in the IFS table into the search bar and choose the relevant application and then the documents tab. The S106 should appear near the top of the list of available documents, if not, you can put the documents into order using the arrows next to the 'document' heading.
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