FOI request (FOIR-512081903)
Fees for childrens LD placement
Requested Tue 02 May 2023
Responded Thu 04 May 2023Please provide the current average weekly fee (also for the last 3 financial years if possible) for residential placements for children with learning disabilities split by acuity and primary care need if possible as defined by the following:
Acuity Definitions
a. Low acuity - Children requiring general care or less complex care receiving residential care without any need for significant complex care.
b. Mid acuity - Children classified as requiring more personal care and some 1-1 or 2-1 care.
c. High acuity - Children with highest level of complexity and those with most acute needs who constantly require 1-1 care or 2-1 care or even multiple care staff to 1 care.
Level of Care Definitions
a. Regular care - Children who receive standard residential care and do not have significant personal needs.
b. 1-1 care - Children who require some 1-1 care in certain situations.
c. 2-1 care - Children who are more complex and required more constant care from 2 staff.
d. Multiple to 1 care - Children with severe needs who need multiple staff members to assist them in their care needs.
Information not held
This area is dealt with by East Sussex County Council Children's Services, please visit their website for further information:
Freedom of Information
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