FOI request (FOIR-511104664)
2 bed housing, excluding flats
Requested Thu 27 April 2023
Responded Fri 05 May 2023I am making a freedom of information request because of discrimination, mismanagement, fraud and deception.
I request all information relating to, and in respect of, 2 bed housing, excluding flats.
1. All housing that has been vacated and/or empty in the Hastings area in last 12 months from the 27th April 2022.
2. How many of these properties have been put on Homemove for applicants to bid on?
3. How many properties have been allocated not by or through this system?
4. To whom has the housing been allocated to? What was the category or classification of persons, and under what basis, narrative or regulation has the housing been allocated? Under which rule or law, and which senior official or officials have affirmed and confirmed the action?
5. Why have the Homemove applicants been repeatedly discriminated against by the management of housing?
1. Information not held. Most of the social housing in the borough is owned and managed by Register Providers (housing associations). The two biggest are Southern Housing (formerly Optivo) and Orbit. You will need to contact the registered provider to obtain this information.
2. This information can be viewed on Sussex Homemove website, see:
3. We hold no information on the number of properties that Register Providers do not add to Sussex Homemove. You will need to contact the registered provider to obtain this information.
4. Feedback information on properties let/advertised can be viewed on Sussex Homemove website, see:
We also publish the number of lets/wait times by Band, and property type on our website at:
Councils comply with the Housing Act 1996 Part VI when allocating housing accommodation. Councils do this via Allocation Scheme documents which give the criteria used to prioritise applications for social housing and the procedures that are followed.
Our 'Hastings Homemove Allocation Scheme 2018' can be viewed on our website at:
5. We operate a Choice Based Lettings system for social housing via Sussex Homemove.
Our 'Hastings Homemove Allocation Scheme 2018' gives the criteria used to prioritise applications for social housing and the procedures that are followed. Applicants are placed in Bands A to D (A being the highest and D being the lowest). Each household is given a priority date.
Register Providers advertise properties via Sussex Homemove where applicants can place a maximum of 3 bids on properties in each bidding cycle. The IT system will automatically place people in Band/Priority Date order known as the 'shortlist'.
The council then 'nominates' the top 3 households to the Register Provider who advertised the property.
The Register Provider will then contact these households and arrange viewing of their property. They will offer the property to the top bidder and if they refuse the property, it will then be offered to the 2nd highest bidder, and so on until a household 'accepts' the offer of the property.
For more information on this, please see our 'Hastings Homemove Allocation Scheme 2018' at:
Occasionally we may do a 'direct let' of a property, for more information on this please see page 21 of the 'Hastings Homemove Allocation Scheme 2018'.
Freedom of Information
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