FOI request (FOIR-507335692)
Overcrowding in Temporary Accommodation
Requested Thu 13 April 2023
Responded Tue 16 May 20231. Does the council record how many households are living in overcrowded conditions in temporary accommodation (that is, their temporary accommodation itself is overcrowded)? If so, please provide current (or most recent available) figures for overcrowding in temporary accommodation, and how the council has defined 'overcrowding'.
2. Please state how many households the council currently houses in temporary accommodation broken down by the size of the household (that is, number of one-person households, number of two-person households, number of three-person households, and so on).
3. Of the three-person households currently housed in temporary accommodation, how many are currently housed in one-bedroom properties?
4. Of the households in the question (3) figure, how many have been in their current temporary accommodation placement for more than six months?
5. Of the four-person households currently housed in temporary accommodation, how many are currently housed in one-bedroom properties?
6. Of the households in the question (5) figure, how many have been in their current temporary accommodation placement for more than six months?
7. Of the four-person households currently housed in temporary accommodation, how many are currently housed in two-bedroom properties?
8. Of the households comprised of five or more people who are currently housed in temporary accommodation, how many are currently housed in one-bedroom properties?
9. Of the households in the question (8) figure, how many have been in their current temporary accommodation placement for more than six months?
10. Of the households comprised of five or more people who are currently housed in temporary accommodation, how many are currently housed in two-bedroom properties?
11. Of the households in the question (10) figure, how many have been in their current temporary accommodation placement for more than six months?
1. We do not have any overcrowding in temporary accommodation, all households are in the correct size of temporary accommodation apart from 2 very large households who each have 2 flats within the same building so therefore are not overcrowded.
2. Households currently in temporary accommodation by household makeup: 235x single person, 4x non-cohabiting couple, 17x couples, 129x family with 1 child, 68x family with 2 children, 42x family with 3 children, 19x 6-7 people or 4 children, 16x 8+ people or 5+ children.
3. All households are in the correct size of temporary accommodation.
4. Due to lack of social housing and private rented sector properties within the borough, most placements are in temporary accommodation more than six months.
5. All households are in the correct size of temporary accommodation.
6. Due to lack of social housing and private rented sector properties within the borough, most placements are in temporary accommodation more than six months.
7. All households are in the correct size of temporary accommodation.
8. All households are in the correct size of temporary accommodation.
9. Due to lack of social housing and private rented sector properties within the borough, most placements are in temporary accommodation more than six months.
10. All households are in the correct size of temporary accommodation.
11. Due to lack of social housing and private rented sector properties within the borough, most placements are in temporary accommodation more than six months.
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