FOI request (FOIR-500257685)
Requested Fri 24 March 2023
Responded Fri 24 March 2023We are seeking information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to enhance our understanding of the services available to older residents within your council's jurisdiction.
We kindly request information on the contracts your council currently commissions for the following services:
a. Dementia Support
b. Hospital Discharge
c. Social Prescribing
d. Information and Advice Services
e. Advocacy
f. Carers Support
g. End of Life Care
h. Community Champions / Wellbeing Coordinators
i. Elderly Day Centre
j. Befriending
k. Footcare/toenail cutting
l. Non-Emergency Patient Transport
m. Bereavement Support
n. Digital Inclusion
For each service, please provide the following information:
1. Name of the service provider
2. The estimated expiry date/month for the current contract
Information not held
These areas are dealt with by East Sussex County Council, please visit their website for further information:
Freedom of Information
Contact us if you have a question about freedom of information.
The content on this page is the responsibility of our Council's Information Officer.