FOI request (FOIR-499212256)
Adult Social Care Fees
Requested Tue 21 March 2023
Responded Fri 24 March 2023I am currently researching the average weekly fee rates for social care services. In particular, I am focused on the weekly fee rates for adult long-term residential care in residential and/or nursing care homes.
If you could please provide the following information relating to the weekly fees that would be much appreciated.
Could you provide the figures for the average weekly fee rates charged for adults receiving care in a long-term residential care home split by the following criteria:
1. Primary care need: Where the primary care need is for example - Mental Health (MH), Acquired Brain Injury (ABI), Learning Disabilities (LD) or other conditions.
2. Level of complexity: Low Acuity, Mid-Acuity and High Acuity (whereby high acuity would be the most complex cases and patients requiring the highest level of care). What would the fees be for the highest acuity cases and their comparison to fees for the low acuity and mid acuity cases per week?
I have attached an excel file for you to fill out the relevant weekly fees by level of acuity for each of the primary conditions.
Information not held
This area is dealt with by East Sussex County Council, Adult Social Care, please visit their website for further information:
Freedom of Information
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