FOI request (FOIR-496350235)
Council Budget
Requested Mon 13 March 2023
Responded Fri 24 March 2023I understand that the Hastings Borough Council budget for 23/24 carried out a consultation, and I would like to know see the responses made regarding the 1066 Country budget, as it is not shown in the full council papers dated 15 February 2023.
Hastings Borough Council invited comments on the council's budget proposals for a period of 4 weeks. This was undertaken to enable staff and third parties to submit their views on a confidential basis. A summary of the contributions was submitted to the Cabinet.
Hastings Borough Council does not have permission from the individuals to share their comments. Therefore the information you have requested is exempt information and falls under Section 41 of the Freedom of Information Act - Information provided in Confidence.
A description of Section 41 is information which is held by a public authority but which was provided by a third party will be exempt information if disclosure by the public authority to the public would constitute an actionable breach of confidence.
Section 41 is an Absolute Exemption therefore the public interest test does not apply to the exemption as it has been determined there would be an actionable breach of confidence, for these reasons we are unable to comply with your request.
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