FOI request (FOIR-492982283)
Information Risk Owner
Requested Fri 03 March 2023
Responded Mon 20 March 2023I would like to make a Freedom of Information Act request for the following information:
1. Name, title and contact details of the Council's Senior Information Risk Owner.
2. A Copy of the 2020/21 and 2021/22 Annual SIRO report. This may be a standalone report or part of another report (for example the Annual Governance Statement). If so please provided a copy of the AGS for 2020/21 and 2021/22.
3. A copy of the Councils current Information Risk Policy.
1. Jane Hartnell, Chief Executive, Email: jhartnell@hastings.gov.uk, Telephone: 01424 451066
2. Information not held
3. Information not held
Freedom of Information
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