FOI request (FOIR-483568927)
Damage compensation
Requested Fri 03 February 2023
Responded Wed 15 February 2023This is an information request relating to compensation paid to private housing companies for damages done by homeless people/rough sleepers to emergency accommodation.
Please include the information for each of the following financial years: 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22, and 2022/23 (to present):
• How much has been paid annually to private housing companies for damage done by homeless people/rough sleepers in emergency accommodation?
• Information on the damage done, if this is held. For example, if there are damage reports/incident reports provided by the housing companies along with the invoice for any damage.
Damage caused by clients in temporary accommodation (TA) placements is generally included in the cost of the night-by-night booking fee.
If exceptional damage is caused, the Council may agree to contribute towards the cost of repairs if evidence is provided to show the damage, and if invoices are received to show the final bill.
£998 was paid to one TA provider for damage caused in December 2021.
£750 was paid to one TA provider for damage caused in January 2023.
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