FOI request (FOIR-479829901)
Bin removal
Requested Thu 19 January 2023
Responded Fri 27 January 2023I am writing to make an open government request for all the information to which I am entitled under the Freedom of Information Act.
In order to assist you with this request, I am outlining my query as specifically as possible.
Please can you tell me the number of public bins the council has provided in your area for the past five years (1st January 2018 - 19th January 2023). Please could this be broken down by month, the type of bin, the location (for example, park or street).
Please can you tell me the number of public bins removed from your area over the past five years (1st January 2018 - 19th January 2023). Please could this be broken down by month, the type of bin, the location (for example, park or street) and the reason for removal.
Please can you tell the savings made from the removal of the bins, broken down annually from 1st January 2018 - 19th January 2023.
The cost of emptying the bins is included within the street cleaning contract, the costs on the attached spreadsheet are for the installation or removal only.
Many bins are fixed each week due to general damage, wear and tear or abuse.
There are times when new developments take place and bins need to be moved, or shops do not want outside their premises.
It is also an important factor that we make sure the bins are doing what they are required. This means ongoing monitoring in case bins need to be repositioned or changed to better types of receptacles.
When bins are removed, we try and replace in other locations to keep the same type of stock levels.
In recent years all bins have only been removed due to abuse whether arson or fly-tipping.
All bins installed and removed are the same type and material being plastic for litter and dog waste, see spreadsheet attached.
Freedom of Information
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