FOI request (FOIR-479042188)
Carbon literacy training for senior councillors and staff
Requested Tue 17 January 2023
Responded Fri 27 January 2023I would like information about your council's carbon literacy training in relation to climate action for the Council Climate Action Scorecards. This information may be held by the HR department or other departments that organise staff training.
In particular, please supply me with information relating to the following questions:
1. Have all senior management received carbon literacy training or equivalent since 1st January 2019? Please state the type of training.
2. Have all current councillors in the cabinet or committee chairs received carbon literacy training or equivalent since being elected? Please state the type of training.
This training could be from the Carbon Literacy Organisation or another organisation, university or in-house. We want to know the number of people who have attended the training. We do not need to know the number of staff that have received a certificate of completion or attendance.
Hastings Borough Council is currently in the process of getting quotes from various companies that deliver Carbon Literacy training for Councillors which is a priority.
Following this, we will be looking at our senior management team.
Freedom of Information
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