FOI request (FOIR-476528767)
Request 4 - Land at Frederick Road (road to nowhere) Millennium ground request Former Mount Pleasant Site, for CEMP Section 41 information
Requested Fri 06 January 2023
Responded Thu 19 January 2023As you are aware, there was white low fencing in this area, part of wildlife protection zones and phase 1 site approval to protect these protected species in 2005 which was fenced off here:
This area is subject to a complaint with the European Commission Electoral General Environment Directive and Governance and Civil Procedure as part of Robin Pearson, Public Interest Lawyers on 9th March 2005 under Julio Garcia Burguis.
Please provide all of her findings to you as the fourth part of this request dated 25th December, 2022.
You are aware I wrote to you on Monday, 17th August at 7.34 p.m. under a confidential email, giving clear advice. I understand advice was given to you in regard to remediation. HS/FA/04/722 from Tom Skalis of Buro Happold giving clear remediation technics at the date of January 2005. As Carol Cavendish had exposed the evidence of list 1 toxic substances on the Mount Pleasant site that the ground water on this site was polluted with Level 1 contaminants as detailed in 2004 report NIRS00384093, 17th March 2006 as containing in an email by Cherry Weeks and Hazel Smith 8th March 2006 .
You will note as part two of this request 25th December 2022 I asked you to provide waste transfer notes conformation that the carriers were legally licensed as was the site they were transferred to. You should note this matter seems to be playing by the same illegal rule cards addressed by Carol Cavendish.
Can you please explain why you learned nothing from her letter of 28th March 2006 and history seems to be repeating?
All information regarding applications sites is held on our public access system accessible via our website:
In the 2nd part of this request, you have asked Hastings Borough Council to explain why we have learned nothing from a letter from Carol Cavendish dated 28 March 2006. This is not a request for recorded information and therefore falls outside the remit of the Freedom of Information Act.
Freedom of Information
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