FOI request (FOIR-476526363)
Request 3 - Land at Frederick Road (road to nowhere) Millennium ground request Former Mount Pleasant Site, for CEMP Section 41 information
Requested Fri 06 January 2023
Responded Thu 19 January 2023I am writing to you because your council appears to have no concern for wildlife protected species or the public in your planning department, and as part of my request for information, to which you have not responded. This is an appalling matter that dates back to 2004.
I attached three pictures of piles of the remains of the wildlife and protected species on this site asking you under the third part of this information request to point me to the ones that hold the blind lizard or slow worm (Anguis fragilis) a protected species under planning and the viviparous lizard or common lizard (Zootoca vivipara), and all other protected species that the Local Government fenced off in an area here as part of legal planning:
As you are aware, there was white low fencing in this area, part of wildlife protection zones and phase 1 site approval to protect these protected species in 2005 which was fenced off here:
Freedom of Information is based on recorded information held by a local authority, it is not a tool to ask questions or explanations.
You are asking which photograph holds the blind lizards and slow worms. If this information is held it can be found on the planning applications file which is publicly available via our search tool on our website:
Freedom of Information
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