FOI request (FOIR-473394189)
EHCP Information Request
Requested Thu 22 December 2022
Responded Thu 05 January 2023Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the following information:
1. Number of hours of EHCP OT provision commissioned annually.
2. Number of hours of EHCP OT provision that is unfulfilled at this current moment.
3. Number of children waiting for OT assessments to form their EHCP.
4. What proportion of your organisation's annual requirement for EHCP OT provision is delivered by an outsource independent provider?
5. If you commission an independent provider to deliver the OT element of EHCP on your behalf, please can you advise what commissioning mechanism you use:
a. Through frameworks
b. Direct relationships
c. Preferred supplier lists
d. Other (please elaborate)
6. Where is your framework published?
7. Who are your current paediatric preferred suppliers for providing EHCP OT provisions:
a. Name of supplier
b. Cost per assessment
c. Cost per treatment session
d. Travel and mileage costs
8. Do you have a ceiling price for commissioning occupational therapy EHCP OT provision?
9. If yes, please give indicate costs for:
a. Cost per assessment
b. Cost per treatment session
c. Travel and mileage costs
10. Who is the main contact/team responsible for EHCP provision and allocation of therapy?
a. Name
b. Job title
c. Email
d. Telephone number
Information not held
The Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) is dealt with by East Sussex County Council, please visit their website for further information:
https:// www.eastsussex.gov.uk
Freedom of Information
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