FOI request (FOIR-471378293)
Social Care Services for children
Requested Tue 13 December 2022
Responded Tue 13 December 2022I would be grateful if you could you please provide a copy of your council's policies on all SEND and Social Care Services for children and adults with disabilities, this is not exhaustive to be inclusive of:
1. Accessing Educational Psychologist
2. School Nursing
3. Alternative Provision
4. EHCP Assessments and Reviews
5. EHCP Personal Budgets and direct payments
6. SEN provision
7. Short Breaks Services
8. Carers Assessments
9. Carer support
10. Transition to adult care
11. Transport Policy
12. Disabilities Team
13. Disability Facilities Grants
14. Education welfare attendance fines
Please provide any other policies relevant but not listed.
Information not held
Social Care for Children is dealt with by East Sussex County Council, please visit their website for further information:
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