FOI request (FOIR-470707711)
Number of out-of-area placements for adults with learning difficulties, mental health disorders and complex needs
Requested Fri 09 December 2022
Responded Fri 09 December 2022Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 please could you provide details of the following commissioning information:
Part 1
a. The total number of adults in the local authority who are placed outside the local authority receiving care/support with a learning difficulty.
b. The total number of adults in the local authority who are placed outside the local authority receiving care/support with a mental health disorder.
c. The total number of adults in the local authority who are placed outside the local authority receiving care/support with complex needs.
Part 2
If available, please could the above information for parts 1a, 1b and 1c also be provided by calendar month in 2022.
Information not held
Adult Social Care is dealt with by East Sussex County Council, please visit their website for further information:
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