FOI request (FOIR-470537388)
Planning and Licensing Training
Requested Thu 08 December 2022
Responded Thu 15 December 2022I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information:
1. Who are the contacts for planning and licensing training for councillors within the council?
2. What method of training do the council use (for example, classroom, on demand, or blended)?
3. Who do the council use to deliver the planning and licensing training for councillors?
4. How much have you spent on planning and licensing training per annum over the last 5 years?
1. Responsibility for training sits with both Democratic Services and the relevant departments (that is, Licensing, or Planning.
2. Training is delivered either face-to-face, remotely or via a hybrid setup with some councillors online and others in the council offices.
3. The majority of training is delivered in-house by council officers.
4. We do not keep specific records as to how much each individual team spend on their training as it is all taken from a central training budget.
Freedom of Information
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