FOI request (FOIR-467348061)
Requested Wed 23 November 2022
Responded Tue 29 November 2022I am wishing to contact the council, but I have been unable to find the correct individual to address my email to. Therefore, I am left with no choice other than to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Please can you provide me with the following information with regards to Licensing:
1. The name, job title and contact details, including email address and telephone number, for the person responsible for Premises TENs licensing.
2. Details of your current licensing platform including expiry date, contract cost and duration of the contract. The licensing platform is the software you use to manage customers applications (for example, IDOX, Verso, Civica, Jadu) unless of course you use Word or PDF.
Names of individuals under Director/Assistant Director level are exempt under Section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act as this is personal data. This is a qualified exemption therefore will not be disclosed.
All enquiries of this nature are directed to the Licensing Team via emailing: licensing@hastings.gov.uk
The software we currently utilise is a M3 Public Protection.
Freedom of Information
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