FOI request (FOIR-465600301)
Play parks
Requested Tue 15 November 2022
Responded Fri 25 November 2022I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from the council.
Please may you provide me with:
1. How many play parks have been closed in the area in the last 10 financial years?
2. How many complaints have been received about the general state of play parks in the area in the last five financial years?
3. How much has been spent on the upkeep and/or refurbishment of play parks in the last five financial years?
4. How many reports of vandalism in play parks have there been in the last five financial years?
5. How many injuries have been reported in play parks in the last five financial years, and what were the nature of those injuries?
Hastings Borough Council (HBC) is only responsible for the maintenance of HBC play parks and that there are many play areas in the borough which fall under the remit of Optivo and Orbit Housing Associations.
1. None
2. Information not held
3. The upkeep spent on play parks in the last 5 years is as follows:
2018 - £90,000
2019 - £91,000
2020 - £92,000
2021 - £93,000
2022 - £94.000
Refurbishment of play areas is as follows:
2018/2019 - £107,000
2019/2020 - £128,000
2020/2021 - £127,000
2021/2022 - £117,000
4. Information not held
5. 3 reports of injuries (that is, 2018 Trips/falls):
2020 - trips/falls
2020 - equipment
2021 - injury to finger on sharp item of play equipment
Freedom of Information
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