UASC Personnel within the organisation

1. How many Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children and Young People (UASC) are in your Local Authority's care as of 10th October 2022?

a. On the above numbers, how many are aged under 12, 13-15 and 16-17?

2. How many UASC were in your Local Authority care on the financial years ending:

a. 31st March 2021

b. 31st March 2020

c. 31st March 2019

3. Do you have a team that solely manages UASC cases?

a. If yes, could you outline the Team Structure and where it sits within the organisation? For example, 1 Team comprises 1 Team Manager, 2 Senior Social Workers and 2 Social Workers.

b. If no, is there a reason as to why?

4. Please supply the Job Descriptions of the workers who manage UASC cases? For example, Social Worker, Senior Social Worker, Assistant Team Manager and Team Manager.

5. How many age assessments have the Local Authority conducted on the financial years ending:

a. 31st March 2021

b. 31st March 2020

c. 31st March 2019

6. Do the Local Authority's Social Workers complete the age assessments? If not, who does?

7. How many of the above age assessments resulted in the person to be:

a. Under 18

i. 31st March 2021

ii. 31st March 2020

iii. 31st March 2019

b. 18 or over

i. 31st March 2021

ii. 31st March 2020

iii. 31st March 2019

8. Were any of the above age assessment challenged by a way of Judicial Proceedings?

a. If so, how many are active?

b. How many have concluded?

c. Out of the above number, how many resulted in the Local Authority's favour?

9. Please provide a copy of all templates used for competing an age assessment. For example, some local authorities complete a shortened version of an age assessment, brief enquiries, or welfare visits.

10. Do you have a policy or practice guidance for staff on the age assessment process? If so, please provide a copy.

Social Work Practice

11. What is the process when the Local Authority receives a referral of an UASC in your area?

a. If you have guidance/policy, please provide a copy.

b. Is the arrangement different on Out of Hours?

12. Do you use social media checks at any point during the age assessment process?

a. If so, do you have a policy/guidance, please supply a copy.

13. Could you provide a breakdown on the current UASC in your care on their placement type? For example, 23 in foster care, 21 in semi-independent 24/7 support, 33 in semi-independent non24/7 support.

14. Please provide copies of any policies, guidelines, or practice resources that are aimed at UASC?


Information not held

This area is dealt with by East Sussex County Council Children's Services, please visit their website for further information:

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