FOI request (FOIR-452129795)
HR & Payroll, ERP and Finance Solution
Requested Fri 16 September 2022
Responded Thu 29 September 2022In August 2021, we sent yourselves an FOI request regarding your, ERP, HR and payroll, and finance systems.
In your response you informed us that at least one of these systems was due to renew in the first 6 months of 2022. However, we do not believe this has happened, please can you advise us why this renewal has not occurred and when you expected it to renew?
Additionally, if you renewed a current contract why did you do this rather than coming out to re-tender?
If your organisation has chosen to extend its pre-existing software contract, please can you explain the reasoning behind this decision?
The original two-year contract commenced on 28th April 2019.
As previously stated in August 2021, the contract contained an option to extend for a further two years.
This option was taken in April 2021 and again in April 2022, meaning that it must end on 28th April 2023.
The Council is looking to direct award via a framework two-year contract with Unit4 from April 2023.
This decision has been taken due to resourcing issues within the Council.
Freedom of Information
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