FOI request (FOIR-446974428)
Requested Thu 25 August 2022
Responded Fri 16 September 2022Please can I make the following request under the Freedom of Information Act?
1. When did any Council employees last receive any training under RIPA or RIPSA?
2. What training was undertaken?
3. Who delivered this training? If this was an eternal organisation please provide the name of the organisation and the fee paid.
4. Please provide the name and email address of any people in the organisation performing the following roles:
a. Senior Responsible Officer
b. Authorising Officer
c. RIPA Monitoring Officer
5. When was your last inspection by IPCO and when is the next one scheduled if known?
1. Training was provided to relevant staff in 2019/20.
2. RIPA Training was given.
3. The training was provided by PFH Training.
4a. Senior Responsible Officer:
Jane Hartnell - JHartnell@hastings.gov.uk
4b. Authorising Officers:
Jane Hartnell - JHartnell@hastings.gov.uk
Andrew Palmer - APalmer@hastings.gov.uk
Victoria Conheady - VConheady@hastings.gov.uk
Kit Wheeler - Kit.Wheeler@hastings.gov.uk
4c. Monitoring Officer:
Mary Kilner - Mary.Kilner@hastings.gov.uk
5. Last Inspection - October 2021. Next Inspection - Unknow.
Freedom of Information
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