FOI request (FOIR-442300204)
Severe Weather Emergency Protocol
Requested Fri 05 August 2022
Responded Thu 25 August 2022I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. In order to assist you with this request, I am outlining my query as specifically as possible.
Since 1st August 2020 to 31st July 2022 please provide the following information:
1. The number of times Severe Weather Emergency protocol was activated in the requested period.
2. On each period that SWEP was active, please give the dates and times that it was active from and to.
3. Detail of the protocol for each period (for example provision of indoor accommodation or street level assistance with water and sun cream).
4. Detail of whether using the protocol led to the adaptation of existing services. For example, were there temporary closures/suspension of existing services to open up new provision?
5. If additional bed spaces were provided, were they offered to people beyond the period that SWEP was active for?
6. Number of people assisted in each period.
If this is not possible, please just provide answers to questions 1 and 2 - the number of times SWEP was activated, and the dates it was activated and de activated.
1. 6
15/07/2022 - 20/07/2022
18/02/2022 - 07/03/2022
03/12/2021 - 13/12/2021
12/03/2021 - 16/03/2021
05/03/2021 - 09/03/2021
23/12/2020 - 12/01/2021
3. 15/07/2022 - 20/07/2022, indoor accommodation, water, and sun cream provision. Remaining dates, indoor accommodation provision.
4. The protocol led to expansion of the offer of Temporary Accommodation to those who were not eligible for assistance / not otherwise covered under 'Everyone In' due to severe weather.
5. Some people were offered extensions to SWEP placements where no decision had been made on their homeless application.
6. Information not held as we do not log how many people have accessed sun cream / water provision and so on. However for the periods above a total of 34 people were accommodated over different time periods under SWEP.
Freedom of Information
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