FOI request (FOIR-442084227)
Domestic Heat Pumps
Requested Thu 04 August 2022
Responded Tue 09 August 2022Please provide the number of complaints submitted to the council in relation to the installation of a domestic heat pump, specifically in regards to a loss of amenity.
I would like the data sets for the following time periods:
1. 01/08/2020 to 31/07/2021
2. 01/08/2021 to 31/07/2022
I would also like to know the number of complaints during these periods that were upheld, and in how many cases a heat pump was ordered to be removed.
Furthermore, if possible through a keyword search, I would like to know how many complaints specifically cited the following: loss of light, excessive noise, and intrusion of privacy. If this is not possible, or would exceed the cost limit, this can be omitted.
In the most recent 10 cases in 2022, I would like to know any summary of the complaint you have on file. Again, if this would exceed the cost limit or it is information you do not have, please omit.
Hastings Borough Council has received no complaints in respect of domestic heat pumps.
Freedom of Information
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