FOI request (FOIR-441092251)
Child Social care
Requested Mon 01 August 2022
Responded Tue 02 August 20221. Do you have a joint commissioning framework for externally commissioned placements for children?
1a. If yes, does this joint commissioning framework include partners from 'health' (for example, CCG or new ICBs)?
1b. Please share the terms of reference or joint agreement, if health are included.
2. Does 'health', that is CCG/ICB, joint fund externally commissioned placements (for example, residential, therapeutic foster care, SEND, semi-independent provision)?
2a. If yes, what are the terms (please share a terms of reference or agreement)?
2b. If yes, how is that funding split as a shared percentage cost for the following:
• residential
• therapeutic foster care
• SEND provision
• semi-independent provision
3. Do any other partners contribute (over and above children's social care and health/CCG)?
3a. If yes, who and on what terms?
4. Is the criteria in the 'continuing care funding' model used as a methodology for split funding?
4a. If yes, is this the only criteria 'health' use to determine funding?
5. What was your Council 2021/22 yearly spend on external placements?
5a. What element of that was funded by health?
5b. What element of that was funded by education?
5c. What element of that was funded by 'other'?
6. Have you involved children or parents in your joint commissioning process?
7. Do you refer to any models of practice in your commissioning framework or joint funding framework?
7a. If yes, please share this?
8. Do you have any other comments?
9. If you would like to discuss this further, please provide your telephone number and email address.
Information not held
This area is dealt with by East Sussex County Council Children's Services, please visit their website for further information:
Freedom of Information
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