FOI request (FOIR-440057865)
Waste and recycling
Requested Wed 27 July 2022
Responded Tue 09 August 2022I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information:
1. Please could I have the contact details (name/role) of a senior person who looks after the waste and recycling for the council?
2. Please could I have the contact details (name/role) of a senior person who looks after the street cleansing for the council?
3. Please could you confirm if the waste and recycling service is in house operation or undertaken by a contractor? If it is a contractor, who this is and what is the length of the contract?
4. Please could you confirm if the street cleansing service is in house operation or undertaken by a contractor? If it is a contractor, who this is and what is the length of the contract?
Q1 and Q2
Cameron Morley, Waste and Street Cleansing Services Manager, 01424 783316, cmorley@hastings.gov.uk
Q3. Outsourced - Biffa 7+7 with the initial term ending in June 2026
Q4. In house
Freedom of Information
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