FOI request (FOIR-439786216)
Performing animals register
Requested Tue 26 July 2022
Responded Fri 29 July 2022With respect to your local authority's register of performing animals, please tell me:
1. How many animals are currently registered under the Performing Animals (Regulation) Act 1925 in your area to be trained and/or exhibited for performance?
2. How many are dogs?
3. How many are cats?
4. For those that are not dogs or cats, please state their species and the number of each of the different species.
5. Finally, please can you provide a sample of the types of performances in which some of the registered animals are engaged?
NOTE: For question 5, I am looking for a flavour of the range of performance types and the species involved. I appreciate there could be a lot of animals registered with many different performance details, so to avoid running into a Section 12 cost exemption, could you please give me the performance details from just the FIVE most recently approved applications?
1. 15
2. 8
3. 0
4. 1x Tawny Owl, 1x Little Owl, 3x Barn Owl, 1x Lanner Falcon, 1x Kestrel
5. Medieval living history shows, displays and talks / meet and greet at Lapland UK
Freedom of Information
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