FOI request (FOIR-428345419)
Community Protection Notices
Requested Thu 09 June 2022
Responded Tue 05 July 2022For the most recent year for which you have the data, please can you provide the following information:
1. How many Community Protection Notices (CPNs) have been issued by the council, or individuals acting on behalf of the council? Please break this data down into each activity for which the CPN was issued.
2. How many CPNs were subsequently violated, broken down by activity as above.
3. What action was taken as a result of this violation, broken down by activity. If fines were issued, please provide the total value of fines issued.
1. For the calendar year 2021:
35 Community Protection Notices (CPNs) were issued - 3 were for aggressive begging, 32 for drinking alcohol.
For the aggressive begging CPNs, the nature of the conduct is as follows:
• Causing harassment, alarm, distress or annoyance to members of the public.
• Standing or waiting around cash machines and shop entrances and other public spaces in a restricted area requesting, begging or receiving money from members of the public.
• Failing to engage with officers from the police or local authority, acting in the lawful execution of their duty, having reason to speak to you in respect of your involvement, or suspected involvement, in anti-social or criminal activity.
Carry out the following actions:
• Stop being aggressive, abusive and causing nuisance or annoyance to members of the public.
• Stop standing or waiting around cash machines and shop entrances.
• Stop begging or receiving money from members of the public.
• Engage with officers from the police or local authority, acting in the lawful execution of their duty, having reason to speak to you in respect of your involvement, or suspected involvement, in anti-social or criminal activity.
For the alcohol CPNs, the nature of the conduct is as follows:
• You are causing harassment, alarm, distress or annoyance to members of the public.
• You are consuming alcohol within a restricted area.
• You are in possession of an open container containing alcohol within the restricted area.
• You have failed to engage with officers from the police or local authority, acting in the lawful execution of their duty, having reason to speak to you in respect of your involvement, or suspected involvement, in anti-social or criminal activity.
Carry out the following actions:
• Stop being aggressive, abusive and causing nuisance or annoyance to members of the public.
• Stop consuming alcohol in a restricted area.
• Stop being in possession of an open container containing alcohol within the restricted area.
• Engage with officers from the police or local authority, acting in the lawful execution of their duty, having reason to speak to you in respect of your involvement, or suspected involvement, in anti-social or criminal activity.
2. 70 breaches of the aggressive begging CPNs, 127 breaches of the alcohol CPNs.
3. In 2021, 23 people were prosecuted for breaching CPNs in the magistrates court. The fines total for these prosecutions was £8,673.
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