FOI request (FOIR-423683975)
Pedestrian crossings
Requested Fri 20 May 2022
Responded Tue 24 May 2022This is an information request relating to the painting of pedestrian crossings in areas under the council's remit.
Please include the information for each of the following periods 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22:
1. The total number of pedestrian crossings painted or repainted in non-traditional colours or themes.
2. The total cost of painting or repainting these crossings, including a breakdown of how much was spent on each crossing.
3. The location of each crossing, including pictures of each crossing.
4. Please also include crossings which have been painted non-traditional colours or themes which have been restored to traditional colours or themes, and the cost of doing so.
Information not held
This area is dealt with by East Sussex County Council Highways, please visit their website for further information:
Freedom of Information
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