FOI request (FOIR-422742717)
Animal Services
Requested Tue 17 May 2022
Responded Tue 24 May 2022Freedom of Information Request regarding Animal Services.
I am writing from Blue Cross, a pet charity dedicated to improving animal welfare in the UK. We are currently in the process of contacting all relevant Local Authorities in the UK, requesting details relating to animal licensing and dog warden services.
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, I would like to make the following request for information relating to the animal services provided by your local authority.
Dog Warden Service
1. Does the local authority employ a dog warden or outsource the role? If the role is outsourced, who is responsible?
2. What has been the local authority's annual spend on the dog warden service for the last three years? Either for in-house or outsourcing the role.
Animal Licensing Service
1. Please provide details of the number of premises licensed under the Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018 / The Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (Wales) Regulations 2021 / The Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (Scotland) Regulations 2021.
a. Number of premises licensed to breed dogs
b. Number of dogs each premises is licensed to have on site
c. The breeds of dogs listed on the licence
2. For any premises licensed to house 10 or more breeding bitches, please provide copies of the most recent inspection report(s). If no written reports are available, please indicate the date on which the most recent report was conducted, and by whom (job title not personal details).
3. How many investigations have been made into premises suspected of needing a breeding licence between January 2019 - December 2021?
4. How many additional conditions have been attached to a licence between January 2019- December 2021.
Dog Warden Service
1. Outsourced to Animal Wardens Ltd
2. 2019 - £37000, 2020 - £37000, 2021 - £37000
Animal Licensing Service
1a. Number of premises licensed to breed dogs - 1
1b. Number of dogs each premises is licensed to have on site? - 8 bitches (reducing to 7 by 1 January 2023)
1c. The breeds listed on the licence - Pugs and French Bulldogs
2. Not applicable, under 10.
3. Jan to Dec 2019 = 0, Jan to Dec 2020 = 2, Jan to Dec 2021 = 2
4. Nil return all three years as above.
Freedom of Information
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