FOI request (FOIR-414920723)
Land to the North of Barley Lane - Lawful Development Certificate
Requested Tue 12 April 2022
Responded Tue 19 April 2022Land to the North of Barley Lane - Planning Application Reference: HS/PIP/22/00163
As a further Freedom of Information Request, please explain why an Application for a Lawful Development Certificate would not be applicable in relation to Planning Permission HS/DS/84/00292 which was clearly commenced as can be evidenced from photo 2.
The Freedom of Information Act is based on recorded information held by a local authority. It is not a tool to ask questions, opinions or explanations.
Your request is not a request for recorded information but a question. Queries regarding approved applications can be made to Planning@hastings.gov.uk but must be accompanied by the relevant fee.
Details for fees can be found at:
Freedom of Information
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