FOI request (FOIR-411853160)
Land to the North of Barley Lane - Planning Application Ref: HS/PIP/22/00163
Requested Wed 30 March 2022
Responded Tue 19 April 2022Further to the expected Refusal of this Application, as a Freedom of Information Request please identify the exact land instability issues which are frequently cited within the report but without any factual evidence to support them.
As far as I am aware, there has only ever been one landslip affecting this site and that is believed to have occurred as a result of or failure to carry out works by the Highway Authority which was the Borough Council.
To this end, please supply copies of all reports and investigations carried out to support your allegations.
All information that Hastings Borough Council holds in relation to Land to the North of Barley Lane - Planning Application Ref: HS/PIP/22/00163 is publicly available to view on the case file via our website:
Freedom of Information
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